
Quickly Rising ~ 7:44am

80mm, f6.3 @ 1/100

75mm, f4 @ 1/100

75mm, f4 @ 1/100

[. the last two pictures were taken ten minutes apart .]


  1. Wow... that's kinda scary. How are things at your house. The Clackamas has risen quite a bit. How far has it risen onto your land?
    ~I at times have wondered if it were not for the debri's how much fun it would be to raft it at a time like this... Cold, but fast and high... and only slightly dangerous... :)

  2. Well, there are were flood warnings for the Clackamas... and the top of our 12ft waterfall is about 5ft under water. Other than that, all is great. We are very glad that the heavy rain has let up... otherwise we would have sandbags on standby =P.

  3. That's impressive. For your sake I hope it's over...

  4. Anonymous18:23

    Oh man, this looks like so much fun. I missed to heavy rain last year too. Oh well, I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy that. It's always fun to look at your pictures.


hello, my name is

andie jael reavely

portland, or




about me

i use...

5D Mark ii
24-70mm f2.8
50mm f1.8
85mm f1.8
45mm f2.8 TS
24-105mm f4 (for video only)

p.s. I intentionally don't have watermarks on my photos— mostly because I think they're tacky. However, this does NOT mean I give you liberty to steal my photos. If you want to use a photo for anything, just ask me... I usually say yes.