
Rehearsing - 1:58pm

55mm, f5.6 @ 1/60

170mm, f5 @ 1/50

110mm, f4.5 @ 1/50

160mm, f5 @ 1/40

21mm, f3.5 @ 1/50


  1. A part of me wonders how it would look with color. The deep colors of the instruments, the dark clothing, pale faces and what appears to be a dark atmosphere to some extent. ... but it twas curiosity that killed the cat.

  2. Anonymous11:37

    Cool pics, minus the fact that I look like I skipped a page and forgot to rosin my bow...

  3. once again... you are so talented!

    I love your use of contrast!

    and the panorama is sweet too!

  4. I look so solemn when I play. Let's just say, I focus SO hard when I play, that I don't have time to smile.
    Cool pictures! :)

  5. Thanks, guys =)

    Hands down, Jon... the B&W ones were better :wink:. But that was mostly my fault... and partly just my preference =P.


hello, my name is

andie jael reavely

portland, or




about me

i use...

5D Mark ii
24-70mm f2.8
50mm f1.8
85mm f1.8
45mm f2.8 TS
24-105mm f4 (for video only)

p.s. I intentionally don't have watermarks on my photos— mostly because I think they're tacky. However, this does NOT mean I give you liberty to steal my photos. If you want to use a photo for anything, just ask me... I usually say yes.