

Hello All!

I am writing to inform you of a very exciting event that is taking place TODAY! My friend, Tom Baker and I have been working for the past few months to build an online business!

Our new business is called "HighKey Camera Straps", and we have created a set of camera straps that are bright, fun and different than the norm! We are proud to say that all our products manufactured in the USA!

Please check out our online storefront:

Let us know what you think and pass this e-mail along to your friends and family!
  • If you're on Facebook, then please join our Facebook group!
  • Are you a tweeter? Then add us on Twitter!
  • Maybe you prefer following blogs? Then check out our blog on Wordpress! Leave us some comments!
You don't take photos? Well, more than likely, you have friends and family that do! Wondering what to get someone for their birthday? HighKey would be an excellent option!

We are also very excited about our "Choose-a-Charity" aspect to our business. With your every purchase from HighKey, the customer is putting dollars towards making a difference in someone else’s life. During the checkout process, you can choose to put a percentage of your purchase towards any one of the four featured charities. Maybe you have a heart for children around the world in need, or you are burdened by the widespread tragedy homelessness in America? Donate a percentage of the proceeds from your purchase towards the cause...

So, please check us out, and spread the word! Thanks for taking time, and I hope you have a spendid Memorial Day weekend!


34m, f13 @ 1/60

28mm, f2/8 @ 1/400

140mm, f2.8 @ 1/1000

68mm, f2.8 @ 1/125

120mm, f2.8 @ 1/400

175mm, f2.8 @ 1/800

35mm, f2.8 @ 1/500

63mm, f8 @ 1/80

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hello, my name is

andie jael reavely

portland, or




about me

i use...

5D Mark ii
24-70mm f2.8
50mm f1.8
85mm f1.8
45mm f2.8 TS
24-105mm f4 (for video only)

p.s. I intentionally don't have watermarks on my photos— mostly because I think they're tacky. However, this does NOT mean I give you liberty to steal my photos. If you want to use a photo for anything, just ask me... I usually say yes.